Read and get inspired - all things we love about pregnancy, birth and motherhood!

The Blog

Motherhood Clare Maddalena Motherhood Clare Maddalena

Confessions of a Neonatal Nurse

β€˜I can do this’ I thought, β€˜I look after babies for a living! How hard can it be?? I got this!’

How naΓ―ve, unprepared and surprised I was.

When I found out I was pregnant with my first baby I had been working full time as a Neonatal nurse for just over 3 years. I loved my job- and still very much do, but it is a rollercoaster of a ride. 13 hour shifts caring for the sick, premature, surgical, and sometimes even dying, babies. Every shift I would walk onto the unit and do my utmost to keep the babies safe and comfortable and provide their parents and family with a friendly, caring and supportive space amid the monitors, lines, equipment and chaos that is a Neonatal unit.

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Motherhood Clare Maddalena Motherhood Clare Maddalena

In Celebration of Slow

SLOW down, Mama!

Are you always rushing from pillar to post? Is your schedule packed? Are you working full time and then desperately squeezing all the fun, family time and social stuff in at the weekend, meaning that you’re hitting burn out, literally burning the candle at both ends?

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LushTums Story Clare Maddalena LushTums Story Clare Maddalena

Wanderlust and Parenthood: Travels with my family

It goes without saying that life changes a lot when you become a parent; many positive changes, and some less so. What many new parents find hardest is letting go of the life they had pre-children, and missing the things and the freedom that they used to enjoy. But while many changes are unavoidable and simply part of this new stage of your life, having children doesn’t have to mean changing how you live completely.

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Motherhood Clare Maddalena Motherhood Clare Maddalena

New Year, New You

So, the festivities are over and here we are, one week in to a brand new year. I love the idea of putting last year to bed and being given the chance to start afresh. This is especially relevant if you feel the last year has not been kind to you. 2016 has been a strange one- we have said a lot of goodbyes and seen some surprising decisions made, so I am sure many of you are ready to move on in the hope of a better year to come. 

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LushTums Teacher Training Clare Maddalena LushTums Teacher Training Clare Maddalena

My Journey to becoming a LushTums Pregnancy Yoga Teacher

Last night I taught my second class since qualifying as a LushTums teacher. Looking around at my students’ faces as they opened their eyes, I felt a little bit elated. Happy, relaxed faces looked back at me- women who felt good, and I was able to help them reach that place. It was an amazing feeling. So, how did I get here?

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Wellbeing Clare Maddalena Wellbeing Clare Maddalena

The Great Outdoors

Many of my childhood memories involve the great outdoors but as I grew up I have to admit, I became a little lazy. When I had my first child I didn’t put a great deal of emphasis on outdoor play, but now a few years down the line and mother to a 6 year old and 4 year old, I am really trying to change things for the better. 

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Motherhood Clare Maddalena Motherhood Clare Maddalena

The Festive Season

What does the festive season mean to you? Do you get stressed thinking about buying presents and trying to find the time and energy to keep everyone happy? Are you feeling completely overwhelmed and wishing it was over already? Has the festive season become a time you dread, rather than the celebration it should be?


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Birth Clare Maddalena Birth Clare Maddalena

It’s all about being prepared

Cot built. Check. Car seat installed. Check. Baby clothes washed and folded away. Check.
LushTums Prepare for Birth course completed. Check.
We have just spent the afternoon taking part in this fabulous birth preparation course, led by
Sarah from LushTums Mid-Sussex team. Already I am feeling a lot more calm and positive
about what's to come. As second time parents to be, the course has helped us to make time
to focus on the birth, remind ourselves of some long forgotten essential information, as well
as teaching us a number of new and very useful things.

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Wellbeing Clare Maddalena Wellbeing Clare Maddalena

Postnatal Exercise

Pregnancy is the most incredible journey, but I’ve had 3 kids and I know first-hand how vulnerable women can feel afterwards. The pressure to now suddenly feel happy and β€˜complete’, to be the perfect mum, and to have the perfect baby. And added to that, we often put pressure on ourselves to regain our pre-pregnancy figure in the blink of an eye, all the while functioning on little to no sleep.

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Motherhood Clare Maddalena Motherhood Clare Maddalena

Identity; Getting Us Back After Birth

When I became a mum the first time round I had no idea how much the shift would affect
my mental health. It hit me like a tonne of bricks. I was prepared for all the physical stuff.
I’d done antenatal classes and I knew that sleep would be sparse and labour would
hurt….A LOT, but after that we’d bring our baby home and look after her and job done,

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Motherhood Clare Maddalena Motherhood Clare Maddalena

What They Won't Tell You.

What they won’t tell you.

I’ll start off by saying that I absolutely love being a mum. Despite the broken sleep, the dirty nappies, the tea-time battles over the kitchen table, the sometimes mind-numbing monotony of being stuck at home on a rainy day with small children-not to mention the complete emotional rollercoaster these little people put you through (such highs! such lows!), I am incredibly aware of just how lucky I am to be a mum to two gorgeous children. I’ll stop short of using #blessed, but you get the picture; they are everything to me and I am very, very grateful.

But a snapshot of my early days of parenthood still sticks with me...

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Nutrition, Wellbeing Clare Maddalena Nutrition, Wellbeing Clare Maddalena

Postnatal Nutrition - Where to start?

Postnatal Nutrition - Where to start?
During pregnancy there is so much information on what to eat and what to avoid.
Postnatally the focus shifts to the baby; how much milk do they need? Am I
producing enough? What essential nutrients does the baby need to grow and
thrive? But what about you? Having gone through a full pregnancy and birth, the
physiological stresses on the body are huge. A brand new mum needs all the
nutrients to replenish and support her bodily systems in order to function and look
after both the baby, and herself. Here is some guidance on where to start:

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Motherhood Clare Maddalena Motherhood Clare Maddalena

Have baby, will travel

Have baby, will travel.
The first thing that hit us was the smell of the pine trees and the sound of the waves,
transporting us to a world away from our home in south London. It was late at night when
my family and I reached our destination and β€˜home from home’ in Spain for the next
month. We had rented an apartment on La Fosca beach, outside the larger town of
PalamΓ³s, 120km north of Barcelona in Catalonia. We’d taken the decision to come away
with our 8 month-old son, as part of a mini sabbatical on my husband’s part and an excuse
to get away for some valuable family time while I was still on maternity leave. Our deliberations
when we first started planning this trip away ranged from travelling around New Zealand
in a camper van, to backpacking around Argentina…but

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Motherhood Clare Maddalena Motherhood Clare Maddalena

5 ways to be a great friend to a new mama…

5 ways to be a great friend to a new mama…

My daughter was about 3 weeks old and we were at home alone. After the initial flurry of excitement and outpouring of love that comes from everyone when you welcome a brand new life into the world- the visitors, the cuddles, the gifts, cards, flowers and warm wishes, life had settled back into its familiar patterns and we were working out our new β€˜normal’. Of course friends and family still checked in, thought of you, sent supportive texts and cooed over Instagram pictures and Facebook updates. But, inevitably, they go back to their own families, jobs and commitments. And so after 2 weeks paternity leave my husband was back at work, commuting to London each day and away from the house for about 14 hours a day, and my 2 year old son was at nursery. And I was, essentially, alone.

A knock at the door....

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Birth, Motherhood, C-Section Clare Maddalena Birth, Motherhood, C-Section Clare Maddalena

What to Expect...After a C-Section

So, you've had, or are going to have, a Caesarian section. It may not be what you'd hoped or planned for, but the reality is that around a quarter of births in the UK today are by section – and there's surprisingly little advice and information out there for women about what to expect afterwards. I've had three – 2 emergency sections and an elective (planned) section. Here are my top tips:

1) Having a section, especially an emergency section, can be a big shock to the system – physically but, even more, psychologically.

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Can’t find a class near you?

Don’t worry! All our favourite practices now online. You can access the LushTums Pregnancy & Birth Digital Pack today!

Access expert videos for EVERY TRIMESTER, YOGA FOR BIRTH and 9 fabulous GUIDED RELAXATIONS all designed with YOU in mind - the Pregnancy & Birth Digital Pack is just Β£45!

It’s all here, ready for you!

Can’t find a class near you?

Don’t worry! All our favourite practices now online. You can access the LushTums Pregnancy & Birth Digital Pack today!

Access expert videos for EVERY TRIMESTER, YOGA FOR BIRTH and 9 fabulous GUIDED RELAXATIONS all designed with YOU in mind - the Pregnancy & Birth Digital Pack is just Β£45!

It’s all here, ready for you!

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