Read and get inspired - all things we love about pregnancy, birth and motherhood!

The Blog

Motherhood, Breastfeeding Clare Maddalena Motherhood, Breastfeeding Clare Maddalena

Breastfeeding Tips

Top Tips for Breastfeeding Success.

Congratulations, you are pregnant! If you are one of the 81% of women who wants to breastfeed, I have tried to condense some key elements and practical ideas of things you can do to help you succeed.Skin to skin as soon as you can after birth You can usually do this no matter what kind of birth you have had- often doctors will let baby stay on your chest after a c-section while they are stitching you up. You can ask that the newborn checks be done a little later so you can enjoy your first golden hour uninterrupted. There are huge benefits of skin to skin including boosting your baby’s immunity, regulating temperature and respiration, creating a secure attachment as well as allowing the baby to initiate feeding. Watch a video of laid back breastfeeding to give you some inspiration

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Motherhood Clare Maddalena Motherhood Clare Maddalena

What did you do today?

What did you do today? (And other stories from a twin mum).
Every Friday morning I smear on some lipstick to detract from my tired eyes,bundle my protesting 4-month old twins into their buggy and walk over to a café1.5 miles away to sit, bleary eyed, with other twin mums. The café has been chosen by us, not for its artisan coffee or its Instagrammable avocado on toast, but because it has room for half a dozen double buggies and

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Home From Home - Normalising Birth

Home From Home - Normalising Birth

A while ago I was invited to give a short talk to around 40 midwives from the Haywards Heath Princess Royal Hospital and also from the Royal Sussex in Brighton. They were keen to hear about what it is we are teaching our pregnant mamas-to-be and learn about the benefits of yoga breathing and why it can be so helpful for women in labour.

I was delighted to be asked and so enjoyed being there amongst such a lovely group of women who are all experienced and passionate about birth - my perfect day out!

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LushTums Teacher Training, Motherhood, Birth Clare Maddalena LushTums Teacher Training, Motherhood, Birth Clare Maddalena

Yoga, Pregnancy & Me: My LushTums Journey

When I found out that I was pregnant with my daughter the fear I have lived with for years about giving birth raised its head again. I have no idea where this fear stems from, I haven’t been exposed directly to any difficult births, or heard that many 'bad' birth stories. Perhaps it was from looking at some hippy birth books of my Mum's with some rather graphic pictures when I was only very young...maybe that didn't help, ha ha! But honestly, I was simply terrified. How on earth would I get a baby out of there!

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Clare Maddalena Clare Maddalena

8 Things You Should Know About IVF

More people are going through it than you realise. We tried to get pregnant ‘naturally’ for over two and half years before we walked through the doors to the ACU Unit at Guys Hospital. I couldn’t believe the couples I saw waiting to be called in for their appointment – younger than me, healthier-looking than me, thinner than me…people I’d never thought would have trouble getting pregnant. It’s a valuable lesson. Stop giving yourself a hard time.  

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Motherhood, LushTums Story Clare Maddalena Motherhood, LushTums Story Clare Maddalena

Letter to my Pre-Mama Self

Dear Clair,

Hi, so it’s me… well, you, five years from now.

Firstly, congratulations! You are pregnant with your first baby, and I know how excited you are. You are finally going to have a baby, the one you have wanted for as long as you can remember. All those hours spent playing with dolls, babysitting and watching Supernanny on TV have definitely fully prepared you for being the world’s most awesome mother (ahem)…

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Clare Maddalena Clare Maddalena

The Power of Yoga

I took my first yoga class when I was 19 years old, but If you’d told me then that I’d be teaching yoga in my thirties I’d have struggled with the idea! My yoga journey has been a very subtle process of undoing, letting go and finding stillness, and it’s shaped my life profoundly. 

What I find most amazing about yoga is that it starts out, at least for me, as being this thing you do for an hour or so, once a week until, at some point, you start to feel something from your practice. I distinctly remember a moment in class when I experienced a feeling of inner space expanding between my shoulders, it felt really extraordinary at the time. For others it might be the feeling of relaxation, the quiet, the feeling of being present, the sense of well-being after class, or simply being able to touch your toes for the first time. 

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Motherhood Clare Maddalena Motherhood Clare Maddalena

I Can Do Anything: A Mantra For Mothers

I carried my baby in my womb for nine months.

I can do anything. 

I stayed positive when my belly swelled and my
back ached and my feet were sore.

I can do anything.  

I remained patient when my due date came and went.

I can do anything.

I kept calm through my labour and birth and trusted in my body.

I can do anything.

I was mindful when I could have been afraid.

I can do anything.

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LushTums Story Clare Maddalena LushTums Story Clare Maddalena

How I Became A LushTums Teacher

LushTums teacher, Kate, talks about her journey from London high-flyer to pregnancy yoga teacher.

 I decided to train to teach pregnancy yoga because there wasn’t anything in the town where I live – Haywards Heath – when I moved here expecting my second child in 2012. Throughout that pregnancy I used to make the journey to Brighton to attend Clare’s classes every week, and I absolutely loved them. I was happy to make the journey as I’d been practicing yoga for years by that point, so understood how the classes would benefit me both mentally and physically. But I worried that any ladies who were new to yoga and living in the area wouldn’t feel compelled to make such an effort to attend a class, and I did feel frustrated that nothing was available locally.

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Can’t find a class near you?

Don’t worry! All our favourite practices now online. You can access the LushTums Pregnancy & Birth Digital Pack today!

Access expert videos for EVERY TRIMESTER, YOGA FOR BIRTH and 9 fabulous GUIDED RELAXATIONS all designed with YOU in mind - the Pregnancy & Birth Digital Pack is just £45!

It’s all here, ready for you!

Can’t find a class near you?

Don’t worry! All our favourite practices now online. You can access the LushTums Pregnancy & Birth Digital Pack today!

Access expert videos for EVERY TRIMESTER, YOGA FOR BIRTH and 9 fabulous GUIDED RELAXATIONS all designed with YOU in mind - the Pregnancy & Birth Digital Pack is just £45!

It’s all here, ready for you!

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