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LushTums Pregnancy Diary, LushTums Story, Motherhood Clare Maddalena LushTums Pregnancy Diary, LushTums Story, Motherhood Clare Maddalena

Pregnancy Diary Week 7: Abstinence

With my first pregnancy I avoided alcohol, blue cheese and unpasteurised cheese, pâté, cured meat, runny eggs, rare steak and caffeine — all the really good stuff. Oh and ibuprofen, which I think also counts as the good stuff now I’m in my thirties and don’t get out as much as I used to.

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Motherhood, LushTums Pregnancy Diary, LushTums Story Clare Maddalena Motherhood, LushTums Pregnancy Diary, LushTums Story Clare Maddalena

Pregnancy Diary Week 11: Sickness

I need to open with an important disclaimer: if you are feeling particularly nauseous, constitutionally fragile or emotionally sensitive then we have an awful lot in common, and perhaps this week’s post may not be for you right now. If you are keen to plough on regardless, then please do feel free to settle in with a mug of ginger tea and a suitable receptacle, just to be on the safe side. Going in? OK, my apologies in advance.

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LushTums Pregnancy Diary, LushTums Story, Motherhood Clare Maddalena LushTums Pregnancy Diary, LushTums Story, Motherhood Clare Maddalena

Pregnancy Diary Week 13: First Scan

“Please attend with a moderately full bladder for this examination.” As a reasonably intelligent adult who pees several times a day and who has attended two previous pregnancy scans and a routine ultrasound, you would think I’d know how to do that by now, but no. What is moderately full? How much water is too much? What if I don’t drink enough? How long does it take to go through, anyway? What if I’m called early? But what if I’m called late? Oh, God.

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LushTums Story, LushTums Pregnancy Diary, Motherhood Clare Maddalena LushTums Story, LushTums Pregnancy Diary, Motherhood Clare Maddalena

Pregnancy Diary Week 17: Farm Day, Coping With Two

I am currently parked up in a National Trust car park while my son naps in the car and I attempt to catch up on 26 unread whatsapp messages, reply to 5 out of date texts and write three blog entries. I am not sure this is what the National Trust had in mind when they sold me my membership but if this counts as making the most of the great British countryside then I’m all for it.

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LushTums Story, LushTums Pregnancy Diary, Motherhood Clare Maddalena LushTums Story, LushTums Pregnancy Diary, Motherhood Clare Maddalena

Pregnancy Diary Week 20: Scan and Gender

“Ahhh, I can see a little willy sticking up! It’s a boy!” And so we are having another boy! All I could see was fuzz if I’m completely honest, but this only makes me respect the expertise of the sonographer even more. We’ve just had our 20 week scan and are delighted and relieved that all is going well.

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LushTums Pregnancy Diary, LushTums Story, Motherhood Clare Maddalena LushTums Pregnancy Diary, LushTums Story, Motherhood Clare Maddalena

Pregnancy Diary Week 21: Crying

So, it turns out it is OK to cry uncontrollably during a pregnancy yoga class. I must point out that it should be OK to cry pretty much anywhere when you are pregnant. There should be signs up that say this and leaflets handed out to all women of child bearing age. And to men, to help them cope. It's OK to sob like a baby when you are growing one, because it's bloody hard work.

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LushTums Pregnancy Diary, LushTums Story, Motherhood Clare Maddalena LushTums Pregnancy Diary, LushTums Story, Motherhood Clare Maddalena

Pregnancy Diary Week 22: Tiredness

Man, am I tired this week. Bone tired. I just feel heavy and drowsy and in need of a good duvet. Afternoons are particularly snoozesome, but in all honesty, so are most parts of the day. I sometimes have a window around 10.30am when I am totally on fire, usually after my second cup of tea (no, not decaf — come on people, tea basically tastes like dirty dishwater and its only redeeming feature is the caffeine; it used to be the heat and the caffeine but I don’t often get to drink it hot these days).

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LushTums Story, LushTums Pregnancy Diary, Motherhood Clare Maddalena LushTums Story, LushTums Pregnancy Diary, Motherhood Clare Maddalena

Pregnancy Diary Week 26: Changing Body

It has happened. Whilst getting changed for bed last night, I leant forwards without the support of my trusty maternity bra and my boobs met my belly. I was greeted by that warm and slightly clammy feeling of soft flesh on flesh, which as someone with a slightly less than well stocked rack, I don’t usually get.

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