Read and get inspired - all things we love about pregnancy, birth and motherhood!
The Blog
Eden's Birth, To a New Earth
I had an incredible birth that I am so proud to share. It was the most amazing natural hypnobirth in the early hours of the morning on 17th March 2020. Meet Eden Isabella Higgins. She’s a dream.
Creating The Perfect Birthing Nest
To create the perfect birthing environment there are five elements that will help you feel relaxed and secure to birth your baby.
Postnatal Exercise
I’ve just had a catch up with one of LushTums students, who is now a friend, and we were talking about “how, when and what for exactly” does retuning to exercise look like for most women post having a baby.
The Do’s and Don’ts of Postnatal Exercise
Another week, another horror story about local postnatal exercise classes. This week it’s the online group course requiring women to practice burpees and star-jumps just 8 weeks after birth…
I Gave Birth To A One-Year-Old, My PND Story.
Obviously, I’m not being literal but that overwhelming sense of love you’re “supposed” to get when you see your baby for the first time, it didn’t happen until my son was one-year-old. Even now, looking back I don’t remember much about that first year of my son’s life other than anxiety and crying (him and me).
Postnatal Exercise
Pregnancy is the most incredible journey, but I’ve had 3 kids and I know first-hand how vulnerable women can feel afterwards. The pressure to now suddenly feel happy and ‘complete’, to be the perfect mum, and to have the perfect baby. And added to that, we often put pressure on ourselves to regain our pre-pregnancy figure in the blink of an eye, all the while functioning on little to no sleep.
What They Won't Tell You.
What they won’t tell you.
I’ll start off by saying that I absolutely love being a mum. Despite the broken sleep, the dirty nappies, the tea-time battles over the kitchen table, the sometimes mind-numbing monotony of being stuck at home on a rainy day with small children-not to mention the complete emotional rollercoaster these little people put you through (such highs! such lows!), I am incredibly aware of just how lucky I am to be a mum to two gorgeous children. I’ll stop short of using #blessed, but you get the picture; they are everything to me and I am very, very grateful.
But a snapshot of my early days of parenthood still sticks with me...
Can’t find a class near you?
Don’t worry! All our favourite practices now online. You can access the LushTums Pregnancy & Birth Digital Pack today!
Access expert videos for EVERY TRIMESTER, YOGA FOR BIRTH and 9 fabulous GUIDED RELAXATIONS all designed with YOU in mind - the Pregnancy & Birth Digital Pack is just £45!
It’s all here, ready for you!
Can’t find a class near you?
Don’t worry! All our favourite practices now online. You can access the LushTums Pregnancy & Birth Digital Pack today!
Access expert videos for EVERY TRIMESTER, YOGA FOR BIRTH and 9 fabulous GUIDED RELAXATIONS all designed with YOU in mind - the Pregnancy & Birth Digital Pack is just £45!