LushTums mum Ally welcomes Baby No.3
Ally and her husband and 3 lovely boys
My sixth pregnancy. Three angel babies, two beautiful, perfect, healthy boys, and then our third beautiful, perfect, healthy baby boy, Kit, joined us into this world. I wrote a piece about the birth of my first son Jude and a pregnancy diary throughout my pregnancy with my second son Lucas, and as my third son Kit approaches his third birthday, it feels right to mark that with something for him. As they say, three is the magic number.
Kit was born at 2.36am on 12th August 2021. A very calm, fortunately unmedicated, hospital birth. We were all set for our second home birth but on the night there weren’t enough ambulances available to cover so we ended up going into the Royal Sussex County hospital. Another very swift labour and a calm, natural birth on a crash mat on the floor on all fours, empowered with some kick arse yoga breathing and a beautiful, zen as shit playlist. Dream Song by Scott Matthews (if you don’t know him check him out - he’s an ethereal, beguiling marvel) was playing as Kit arrived, and solved our 9th boy name dilemma.
Welcome to the world Kit Alexander Scott Grandison. Joining the very wonderful Jude William Ashcroft Grandison and Lucas Anthony James Grandison. First middle names for special family members (William - for my husband’s very missed late father, taken far too early, my late Grandfather, the cornerstone of my early family memories, and my close cousin, a great man; Anthony - for my very special and inspirational Father; and Alexander - after me, Alexandra, because I’m a fucking boss bitch and if I’m birthing three boys, one of them is getting named in my honour, tell me why not - I dare you). And second middle names for musical artists who have special meaning to us (Ashcroft - the legendary Richard Ashcroft, lead singer of the Verve and creator of some of the greatest ever 90s anthems; James - the effervescent Manchester band, formed in my birth year 1982, and still rocking out absolute bangers; as well as the name of my husband, partner and love of my life, who reluctantly agreed to his honour; and Scott for Scott Matthews, as above). We didn’t anticipate having to come up with nine boys’ names when we introduced that formula for our first born, Jude, but we did it and it feels very right. Three boys named for a lifetime of awesomeness and a lifetime of going off the edge of the page on every official form.
Truth be told we weren’t ever planning to have three children. Not until covid set in in 2020 and made me do some serious reassessing of life’s importance and the things that bring joy. Manifested during a full moon yoga meditation with the inspirational Clare Maddalena, founder of LuthTums, who has guided me through all three pregnancies, three post natal periods, and beyond; and to whom I will always be grateful for her support, her warmth, her infectious love of life and life creation, and her overwhelming generosity of spirit. As wanky as a full moon yoga meditation might sound, it brought me focus and clarity of mind, and the most vivid visualisations of a hilltop in full bloom, bursting with flowers, with a golden pathway leading through to a child, yet unborn but waiting. I know. And I’m sorry. I am a massive wanker. But this was a phenomenally powerful and impactful moment that changed the course of my life and my family’s lives for the better.
My husband James took some serious persuading, ever the practical thinker, in balance with my idealism. Could we afford three children? Did our house have enough space? Did we want to risk another onset of the brutal postnatal depression that fogged the early two years of our beautiful second son’s life, the physical and mental challenge of having two children very close in age leaving me overwhelmed and exhausted, constantly feeling like my head was wrapped in a duvet filled with bees. Could we stomach the inevitable 7 seater SUV, accompanying carbon footprint, and big dick status? There were many reasons not to have a third child, but my heart yearned for him. To have another, miraculous, joyful, energetic boy. Not a girl as everyone assumed. But another boy, just like my others, who each couldn’t be any more perfect. And after much discussion, several presentations of excel spreadsheets with clearly detailed if slightly optimistic childcare costs, and a few very rare arguments, James agreed. The greatest gift he could ever give me and the biggest act of love, which I will forever be grateful for.
And Kit embodies that love. Just as wonderful as his brothers. Completely perfect. Overflowing with joy. An enormous smile and an enormous heart. Astonishingly articulate, he will complement everyone he meets: “I love your shoes!”; “Your car is beautiful!”. He will shout an enthusiastic “hello” to every passer by, whether on foot or even out of the open car window (often to my great annoyance and reluctant hilarity). A left foot that can kick a ball hard and fast, and left arm that can throw straight as an arrow. Already a celebrity in the school playground, greeted by children I don’t even recognise while accompanying his brothers for drop off or pick up: “It’s KitKat! Hey KitKat!”. The biggest ray of sunshine, lighting up our lives and completing our perfectly complete and completely perfect family. So, this one is a tribute to you, darling Kit. Thank you for being you. We adore you.