Dear Families
This is a very difficult time for everyone and especially for new parents. We want you to know that at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals we are doing everything we can to care for you and your baby at this important time. Unfortunately postnatal visits are going to be reduced and breastfeeding drop-ins are all closed. We will be supporting your virtually, along with the health visiting teams, peer supporters and breastfeeding volunteers.
Please look on the Trust website My Pregnancy Matters feeding pages for information. In addition to this we have put together some other useful video links and resources. These resources will help you in the coming days as you start to get to know your baby.
If you have any worries or concerns around feeding and caring for your baby do not hesitate getting in touch with us.
Videos of Dr Amy Brown
The Breastfeeding Companion (has a search bar and lots of videos categorised by age of baby e.g first 2 weeks). Some of the videos I recommend for ALL MOTHERS: Skin to skin, normal feeding patterns, foremilk and hindmilk?, comfortable breastfeeding, breastfeeding positions, one breast or two, my baby wont latch, sleepy babies, breastfeeding with flat or inverted nipples, hand expressing, how to boost milk supply, sore nipples, how breastfeeding works, exclusive pumping, bottle feeding a baby (paced feeding), handling and storing breastmilk, expressing milk by pump,. Breastpumps, engorgement, reverse pressure softening, mastitis, breast abscess, breast engorgement, breast compressions, tongue-tie, blocked milk duct, thrush, Induced lactation.
Unicef Baby Friendly – Best Beginnings Videos (includes effective ineffective attachment) and Hand expressing and
Global Health Media – Attaching your baby to the breast
Useful websites:
Dr Jack Newman information
Always recommend double pumps where possible. They save time. ARDO are offering a discount at this time for BSUH women on their hospital grade hire pumps. Info: a discount code for mums reducing our standard pump hire from £47 to £37 (a £10 discount). I am delighted to be able to offer this discount to the mums in Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust the code to be entered at checkout breastpump/ is AGENTSNCT.
Other pumps can be bought online. We sell the ARDO double Calypso £125.